Saskia presentation

Saskia Wenniger Saskia is a learning designer, a media scholar and a strengths-based life coach specializing in working with neurodivergent and/or creative people. LinkedIn She adores learning, interacting in communities of practice and collaborating with people who...

Lotten presentation

Charlotte Karlsson Lifelong learning is my passion, especially with a focus on sustainable development and everyone’s right to learn on their own terms. With 25+ years of experience in education, first as a project manager at Global Action Plan and later as a...

Magnus presentation

Magnus Florin A wicked problem navigator and bridge builder between worlds focusing on co-creation as pathways to preferred futures. LinkedIn Working with and through futures thinking inviting in imagination and flow, my skill set is facilitation of co-creation...

Daniela presentation

Daniela Tablado Daniela is a space holder, a transformational learning facilitator. She focuses on inner work at the intersection of spirituality and systems change. LinkedIn Daniela is trained in Mindfulness Meditation, Deep Ecology and Strategic Leadership towards...