Asu Aksu
Asu used to dream of being a genetic engineer, then ended up with a BA in Business Management. After working in various positions in advertising, PR, and entertainment, she retrained as a fashion designer.

André Benaim
André enjoys creating the conditions for personal and organizational development. His focus areas are innovation and sustainable development.

Anne Zimmermann
Anne studied various literatures at various universities, then focused on multiculturalism and postcolonialism for her PhD and teaching, finally engaging in inter- and transdisciplinarity in the context of research and education for sustainable development (ESD).

Mike Boddington
Mike trained in agriculture, agricultural economics and environmental planning. He has worked in academia, the commercial consultancy world and the environmental and humanitarian NGO arena.

Miloš Borovsak
Miloš is a generalist with a background in education, research, high-tech industry and NGO management.

Ash Brockwell
Dr Ash Brockwell describes himself as an artivist (artist-activist), songworker and educator.

Marcus Bussey
Marcus is an educator and cultural entrepreneur who combines his work in academia with engagement with colleagues both within and without the ‘hallowed halls’ of the university system.

Eduardo Canela
Ed is an organization development, capacity building and project development specialist. He is one of the co-creator of the CEFE entrepreneurship training method, applied in more than 120 countries.

Jelleke de Nooy van Tol
My work in sustainable rural development and food production in developing countries and in Europe, made me an expert in transition processes and participatory agenda-setting, integrated landscape development, soil ecology and circular agriculture.

Hans von Essen
Proponent of holistic systems thinking around food: agronomist, CEO of BERAS International and Senior Adviser Food Systems – Ecological Regenerative Agriculture.

Diego Galafassi
Working across sustainability science and the arts, Diego is developing approaches for transformative learning and for the emergence of collaborative sustainable futures.

Sokol Gashi
I love to merge things, I am a yoga teacher, activist, podcaster and mental-health advocate. My interests range from medicine, mysticism to the use of music for healing purposes.

Robert Gilman
Dr. Robert Gilman is currently the organizer of the worldwide Bright Future Network

Jasenka Gojšić
Jasenka is a facilitator of transformative learning, helping people to transform their lives, change the perspective on a situation, to find meaning and enthusiasm for the next stage.

Lonny Gold
I work as a corporate and educational trainer in teaching methods that accelerate learning and bring about real changes in performance and results, by catering to the needs of the unconscious mind.

Boris Goldammer
A passionate dreamer, Visionaut and activist with a long list of innovative projects to his name, many in the field of transformative learning, empowerment and facilitation. Boris has a background in aesthetics (design, photography) and has ventured boldly into computer-assisted areas such as an online toolbox, web design and app design.

Jutta Goldammer
Jutta’s passion and skills lie in empowering people as well as in providing innovative and creative settings of multisensory and joyful learning, ideation and development.

Barbara Grazzini
Barbara puts passion into everything she does, spreading enthusiasm and energy, investing in relationships, making connections and innovative projects that promote sustainable solutions.

Lyudmyla Guryeva
I’m an educator, a facilitator, and a perpetual learner.
With about 20 years of experience in education, I keep searching for new ways of mixing methods and tools to inspire learners’ creativity.

Hans Hassle
Since 1986, Hans has been a pioneer of Corporate Citizenship and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). He was in 2001 appointed member of the Central Ethical Review Board at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm by the Swedish government.

Katrin Hauser
Katrin is driven by her fascination and love for nature and people. She looks at nature and social structures as robust and fragile systems at the same time. She has an exploratory spirit for the inner architecture of systems and is passionate about finding new pathways for sustainable change.

Thomas Herrmann
Thomas has more than 20 years experience working with sustainable development in companies and organisations, mainly in Scandinavia. He is an expert on opening space for co-creation using participative approaches.

Thomas Imboden
The multilingual Swiss national Thomas Imboden, born in 1956 in Trun, Switzerland, interrupted his advanced studies in philosophy, comparative religion & social psychology at the University of Zurich to join the Swiss Committee for UNICEF in the early 1980s, where he headed the departments of development education and fundraising.

Lawrence Kampf
Lawrence is devoted to the creative emergence of living systems. A consultant, educator, coach, healer and artist, he supports transformation in visionary leaders, creators, and organizations across a wide spectrum of cultures.

Rene Katerberg
Inspiring the use of multiple perspectives so that new co-creations become possible, is what René has been doing in many different settings. He does this from a grounding in technology, and systems thinking, with an ever increasing appreciation of human beings.

Daniel Kirkpatrick
Daniel is an energetic and playful leader whose work as a consultant, coach, public speaker, and writer is informed by a deep connection to the natural world, a background as a martial artist, and a wildly creative and adventurous approach to life.

Sjoerd Luteyn
Sjoerd Luteyn is founder of soul.com. Over many years, he has developed the deep conviction that humanity has only just begun to tap into its potential.

Nadia MacLaren
Ecofuturist concerned with how natural, social, knowledge and psychological systems interact.
Independent consultant for 35 years: strategic analysis, programme development and project management for international organisations, governments, businesses and communities.

Alexander Mehlmann
With a background in ICT and management, mainly at IBM, I’ve spent some 26 years with Global Action Plan Int’l, concerned with programs for sustainable behaviour change.

Marilyn Mehlmann
Marilyn combines backgrounds in psychosynthesis, empowerment and action research to co-create new methods and tools for personal and professional development.

Stanley Nyoni
Stanley is a Senior Sustainability Advisor and Trainer on Leadership. By working with communities in India and Africa, and lately in Europe, Stanley has gained insight into what sustainable development means at the local level.

Amit Paul
Amit is passionate about change processes, innovation and re-imagining the world. With one foot in the material and the other in the transformational he lives to create conditions for a regenerative economy.

Annika Piirimets
Annika is currently Legacy17’s project manager, a psychosynthesis therapist, and a consultant, focused on transformative learning in adult education.

Alan Ramic

Jascha Rohr
Jascha is a practical philosopher and visionary, developing and promoting cultural techniques of participation, collaboration and co-creation.

Anaïs Saegesser
With her passion for learning and care for humanity, Anaïs, co-founder of scaling4good and STRIDE – the unSchool, is passionate about engaging with people to work towards an inclusive society.

Miriam Sannum
Miriam is an ecologist and pedagogue who has worked with collaborative and transformative processes for 30 years. She has worked with authorities and NGO:s, both as municipal ecologist and as consultant.

Anna Shakhovets
Anna Shakhovets is the founder of ReCo Consulting and is a consultant in business transformation, team coaching and leadership skills development.

Klaus Schenck
Klaus’ curiosity brought him from ecology to developmental neurobiology to immune genetics, culminating in a molecular biology Ph.D. Then on via marketing to management to coaching, facilitation, teaching, therapy, and organizational development consulting.

Dada Shambushivananda
Born in 1949 in Shimla, India, Shambhushivananda, also known as Dada, has lived an uncommon life. He is a gold medalist of Panjab University and completed his Ph.D at the Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania) in Business & Applied Economics.

Rudi Simon
Veronica “Rudi” Simon is a recent graduate of Sustainable Development from Uppsala University. Rudi’s thesis researched the interplay of food labels and agricultural requirements on sustainable initiatives in ecological farming.

Tetsuro Yasuda
My interest is to help people to develop the awareness of environmental issues. The experience of mine ranges from corporate planning manager of industrial companies to Secretary General of an NPO that sites a world environmental prize, Blue Planet Prize.

Marco Valente
Marco is a facilitator, sustainability leadership consultant, process designer. He works with teams who need to lead the way through complex sustainability challenges and can give the “what” and the “how” of addressing such challenges together.

Severine Zelaya
Passionate about regeneration and regional development, I am a student of International Business at DHBW Lörrach. My studies intertwine with the endeavours of Hofgut LEO, the first German regenerative cooperative based in the Black Forest.

Galina Gupan

Charlotte Karlsson
Lifelong learning is my passion, especially with a focus on sustainable development and everyone’s right to learn on their own terms.

Magnus Florin
A wicked problem navigator and bridge builder between worlds focusing on co-creation as pathways to preferred futures.

Daniela Tablado
Daniela is a space holder, a transformational learning facilitator. She focuses on inner work at the intersection of spirituality and systems change.

May-Lise Talgø
May-Lise has over 30 years of work experience in the fields of theatre, literature, international development and environmental NGOs, managing and organising sustainability events, permaculture networks, youth culture & environment conferences, bio-diversity & climate mitigation and transformation projects, and circular economy challenges.

Melina Pyykkönen
Melina is a Designer who specializes in human-centric service innovation. Her mission is to create positive impact by challenging the prevailing narrative and finding systemic ways to use our human potential to improve products, services, places and personal lives with and without technology.

Saskia Wenniger
Saskia is a learning designer, a media scholar and a strengths-based life coach specializing in working with neurodivergent and/or creative people.

Maina Gioko
A passionate learning teacher, dedicated to innovative pedagogies and inclusivity, with over three decades of experience in education—two-thirds of which have been spent as a teacher educator. Maina prepares educators for the unknown future, inspiring them with self-regulated learning to propel their professional growth and drive transformative change.