May-Lise Talgø
May-Lise has over 30 years of work experience in the fields of theatre, literature, international development and environmental NGOs, managing and organising sustainability events, permaculture networks, youth culture & environment conferences, bio-diversity & climate mitigation and transformation projects, and circular economy challenges.
Having recently completed a combined BA in English Language and Literature & Theatre sciences and a Master’s degree in Energy, Environment and Society (UiS), and living close to nature in her self-built strawbale house on an island in Stavanger, her free time is mostly spent reading and writing, experimenting with recipes from nature’s pantry, mentoring sustainable start-ups, and picking stranded marine debris with her dog Bowie and his mates for a local marine litter organisation. May-Lise maintains a holistic, professional and playful approach to every new hurdle coming her way, applying intellectual and creative curiosity to new methods and tools towards our world’s most pressing challenges.