Marilyn Mehlmann
Co-founder and Board Member, Vice president of Union of International Associations (UIA)
Marilyn combines backgrounds in psychosynthesis, empowerment and action research to co-create new methods and tools for personal and professional development.
She has worked in more than 20 countries to empower people and organizations to take action for sustainable development, and was awarded the Rachel Carson Prize 2011–2012.
Lead for satisfaction
Is it possible to lead in such a way as to maximize job satisfaction—for all? If so, why should we do it? And, can you have too much of a good thing?
Article in Developing Leaders Quarterly.
Ancient Wisdom Modern Leadership
The synthetical leader
“So how would you teach synthesis?” was the question.
A good one. A colleague and I debated, searched,
thought… and settled on a document that was several
thousand years old, from the Dead Sea Scrolls…
Article in Developing Leaders Quarterly.