Klaus Schenck
Klaus’ curiosity brought him from ecology to developmental neurobiology to immune genetics, culminating in a molecular biology Ph.D., then on via marketing to management to coaching, facilitation, teaching, therapy, and organizational development consulting with elements of agile, flow, system dynamics and solution focus – and quite a lot philosophy.
Klaus Schenck, Ph.D.
Leadership competence development coach, Project and process consultant,
Strategy, team and organisational develop- ment facilitator and supervisor.
Professional background
- Worked as coach, supervisor & consultant for leadership competence development in organisa- tions (topics: leadership, management, defining and implementing targets and strategy; perfor- mance improvement for quality of life, of pro- cess, and of results). Self-employed and active across industries since 2004.
- Until 2004: 20+ years international manage- ment- and leadership experience, including 12 years in corporations (innovation- and project management, business development, market- ing); e.g.:
- innovation management in an international medical device company 1996-2003
- marketing and project manager for innovative wound care products 1992-1996
- molecular biology researcher (development of immune and nervous system) 1983-1990
- As of 2006 a diverse range of academic lecturing assignments including topics like “managing complexity“, „systemic organisational develop- ment“, „business strategy“,„organizational be- haviour“, „leading change“ „managerial soft skills“, “managing transitions”, and others, at German and American universities.Professional education
- Diploma / Ph.D. in biology (1986 / 1991),
- Diploma in marketing (1992)
- (Hypno-) Systemic coaching 1997
- Systemic process consulting 1999
- Solution focus“ consulting since 2001
- Organisational constellation work since 2003
- Certified “management trainer” 2004
- Exploring “agile” and “critical chain project man- agement / ToC“ since 2006
- Quality management: EFQM-assessor 2007
- running my own professional coaching curriculum(„Heidelberger Coachingwerkstatt“)
- Certified “psychotherapy practitioner” 2011
- Certified “teacher for systemic consulting” (DGSF 2016) and “Systemic Organizational Develop- ment Consultant” (DGSF 2017)
Professional activities
Agile Coaching and curriculum for it
“Critical Chain PM”-implementation
Leadership- and organisational develop- ment(as: coaching, mentoring, supervising, training, process consulting, strategy de- velopment etc.)
Coaching individuals and teams (all hierar- chical levels) re leadership competence; constructive conflict resolution, sustainable success focus with a viable balance of goal attainment and a culture caring for rela- tionships.
Process consulting for project performance re both quality and speed, (including „ag- ile“, constraints-, resource-, and solutions focus).
Facilitating strategy development and im- plementation
Developing competence and surviving cri- ses as individuals, teams and organisations
All offered both in German as well as in English
Special strengths
To meet people from different backgrounds and across hierarchical levels at eye level.
To switch fluently between strategic and practical views while structuring processes and supporting conflict resolutions.
Applying sensibility and a sense of humour for customized perspectives and solutions.
Satisfied customers
- From Adidas via Bosch, DZ-Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, Festo, Merck, Lanxess, Lufthansa, and Siemens to the US-Army, …
- … as well as from AWO family care social services via child care leadership teams to hospitals to the National German Employment Agency a.o. …(details available upon request)
Kanban Mgmt-Professional (LKU) 2020