For Transformative Leaders
5-7 May 2024, Lund, Sweden

Are you and your team embarked on an ongoing learning journey?
Do you dream of an organisation that learns and continues to learn and improve – even after the people who ‘went on a course’ may have moved on?

Our source: A method for effective learning from experience: Learning for Change, tried and tested in over 40 countries.
An added twist: We have found that clients making systematic use of this method have transformed their workplace into ‘learning organisations’, which consistently raise ambitions and performance regardless of staff turnover.

This LEAD TO LEARN course initiates you into the method, and equips you to become the facilitator and catalyst for transformation in the learning organisation of your dreams.
About the Workshop
What is covered?
Understanding a process for learning from experience and transformative development
At a basic level: knowing the key moments and tools
At master level: inverting and switching different tools according to needs in the room
Clarity about what we know and how we know it
Unpacking and sensing into tacit knowledge.
Developing synthesising practices
Leading a pattern-recognition process
Working with values: are we all on the same page?
Working with the Transformation Facilitation Toolbox
Where to go after the first synthesis?
Synthesising tools at the solution level
Plans and tasks
Evaluation and risk analysis
Practice, practice, embody!
Online follow up meetings for debrief, case coaching and experience exchange
What background do I need to benefit from this workshop?
You may be a leader in a formal sense or you may be an informal leader – or hope to become one.
You may also be a facilitator or a team/project manager
What is it for /How can I apply it?
- Gather learning from ending projects
- Write reports
- Kick off planning
- Mid term assessment and course adaptation
Learning processes and methods for
- Processing and learning own and collective experience
- Sharing of experience
- Unveiling the core challenges for leveraging appropriate solutions
- Learning how to synthesize
How Lead to Learn came to be
The driving force behind the workshop concept is the perceived need to accelerate the building of sustainaable human societies. Since we can’t know what such societies will look like, many current methods of management and planning are inadequate or even counter-productive. Fortunately, we have a reliable resource to call upon – our insatiable human inventiveness and creativity.
The world of sustainable development, reliant of behaviour change, lacks the tradition of collecting, generalising and sharing learnings in such ways that the unhindered creative mind is left to build the next, innovative steps on a new level, driven by the challenge of creating the hitherto unknown.
Instead, we tend to surround ourselves with databases of best practice, which, paradoxically, tend to keep us where we are by focussing mostly on the superficial, successful specifics of particular projects. The generalised or generic learnings, useable for others, are seldom extracted, neither from the ongoing process nor from the final results.
Lead to Learn builds on an outcome of two decades of action research on sustainable behaviour change in workshop format designed to accelerate learning from experience, now held with participants from around 40 countries.
Facilitator: Marilyn Mehlmann
Marilyn Mehlmann is co-founder of Legacy17 and before that, co-founder and head of development and training at at Global Action Plan International. She was awarded the Rachel Carson Prize 2011 “… for her long-term efforts to involve individuals, companies and NGOs in acting sustainably.” Her experience combines psychosynthesis, empowerment and action research to co-create new methods and tools for personal and professional development, including the ‘Lead to Learn’ methodology. Marilyn is a Vice-President of the Union of International Associations (UIA), and a member of several advisory boards.

Facilitator: Andre Benaim
Andre is passionate about creating conditions for personal and organizational development and explores these interests in his work as a certified coach, and sustainability related projects. He has many years of experience in project management focused on sustainability, currently working at Energy Agency Southern Sweden. A graduate of Blekinge Tekniska Högskola and Lund University, he has a master’s degree in leadership and sustainability, and his research has focused on capacity development for innovation in teams. During his work with empowerment and learning at GAP Int, he and Marilyn have refined and tested the Lead to Learn methodology in many regions and with different stakeholders around the globe. To this day he still designs workshops based on the methodology with great results!

The fees cover the workshop in Lund, 5-7 May, as well as three online follow-up meetings.
Since this is a pilot course, the full fee is only 950 € plus VAT
If you belong to an organisation that would like to send more than one participant, talk to us about discounts.
For private participants, students etc. the price is further reduced to 550 € including VAT
An invoice will be issued upon registration for payment before 15 April. Cancellations by 20 April will be refunded.
If you cannot pay 550 € but want to attend: register interest. When we have a minimum number of paying participants to cover our costs, we’ll get back to you. Hint: if you bring in paying participants, you’ll move up the priority list!
Questions: annika@legacy17.org
LUCSUS, Josephson building, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund, Sweden