ESD Dialogues

Education for Sustainable Development
Practical approaches to education for sustainable development by and for educators.

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Effective teaching and effective learning for sustainable development: what have we learnt about it?

This innocent question has unfolded into several others:

  • What is needed to create effective curricula or programs for different audiences?
  • What does it take to deliver the programs successfully?
  • How do we need to think about enabling the programs to disseminate rapidly?
  • How can we understand the transformative essence and power of sustainable development?
  • And, not least, how can we plant within the programs the seeds of their own transformations?
Authors: Marilyn Mehlmann and Olena Pometun

Design: Vahram Muradyan

Published: 2013, ISBN: 978-91-7569-929-5

Language: English

Pages: 141

Project: N/A

If you want to get excited and inspired to put education for sustainable development into practice, “ESD Dialogues” is an excellent place to start. The book is a rendition of an ongoing “learning journey” by two highly experienced educators coming from quite different traditions and perspectives. In its content and form the book embodies ESD’s strength and promise. This can be captured in such key words as: inviting, energizing, thought-provoking, empowering, action oriented, collaborative knowledge production, transformation. During the learning journey, horizon-widening insights and innovative pedagogical approaches and techniques emerge. The book speaks to the condition and concerns of practicing teachers, trainers and instructors who wish to assist young children, students and adults in many different settings to gain and internalize the values, knowledge, skills, and dispositions for actively engaging with the combined environmental, economic and social challenges of our time.
Frans Lenglet

Director, Swedish international Centre of Education for Sustainable Development at Uppsala university, SWEDESD