What is Legacy17?
An international social enterprise to make the most appropriate methods and tools available and accessible: a not-for-profit cooperative of leading-edge consultants, practitioners and educators focused on supporting the realization of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Building on our common legacy of experience, aiming to leave a better legacy for coming generations.
What makes Legacy17 different from other SDG or ‘sustainability’ consultants?
We focus single-mindedly on people skills: the methods and competence most likely to bring success. We have unrivalled experience in this area: together, over 500 years as consultants and educators in upward of 100 countries.
Who are your clients and what do you do for them?
Consulting ranges from coaching individual change leaders, to helping civil society organizations design effective outreach programs, to business and investment strategy, to methods support for authorities and the United Nations. We also deliver upskilling programs: educating work-place teams, young entrepreneurs, and others to select and use the most effective people-to-people methods for transformative change.
Can you offer solutions to SDG problems?
Yes. And, we believe that solutions need to be tailored to local needs and opportunities, so our primary offer is to enable change groups to grasp the interconnectedness of the SDGs and to make wise choices for their community.
What do you mean by ‘people skills’?
There is a wide range of both methods and skills for getting better results from your change work. We include, for instance: change leadership, vision building, stakeholder engagement, facilitation and coaching, curriculum design, mediation and peacebuilding, risk analysis, citizen engagement, behaviour change.
How do you charge for your services?
We charge normal commercial rates; some contracts may be subsidized through public or private funds. In general: an investment in methods and skills has a high or very high RoI, both in the short term and in the long term.
If you’re a not-for-profit, why do you charge commercial rates?
We are leading edge, at or above market quality. We neither need nor aspire to under-cut other consultants or educators. Any surplus (profit) made by Legacy17 is re-invested either in projects or in action research to further improve the state of the art. We can also discuss joint fund-raising to support your work.
Tell me more…
See our Contact page, where you can choose to write a general enquiry or respond to a small set of questions.