Thank you for your interest in our workshops!

In this page you will find all the practical information about how to register your interest for the workshops, the dates and the registration form.

What is the program about?
How to give peer support for small groups with a focus on mental wellbeing, using the Innertopia booklet as working material.

The booklet consists of a set of practical exercises to promote self exploration and  empowerment, starting from the participants’ own situations. The exercises are organised in three stages, well backed by science: Clarity, Confidence, Making it real.

The program in in English, the Innertopia material is in 11 languages.

What is the training about?
Barefoot Coaching is a way to offer peer support from a “coaching approach”. So this is not a professional coach training. It is aimed at offering peer support, assuming that the members of the group are creative, resourceful, and in charge of their own decisions. Barefoot Coaching is not about offering advice or even imposing a preordained structure, but about holding space for self exploration and insight.

* We are offering two versions of pilot training as part of the Barefoot Coaching project: one face-to-face, in Amsterdam, 20-24 May, and one online.

* For each of these pilots, we will offer two-tier training: you can train as a Barefoot Coach; or if you are an experienced educator you can choose to train as a Barefoot Coach trainer.

(See schedule below)

What does it cost?
There is no fee, since this is part of an EU Erasmus+ funded project.

Our ambition is that after the end of the project, these courses will continue to be offered (for a market-appropriate fee). This is the only planned subsidised opportunity.

If you can cover your own travel expenses for the event in Amsterdam, that’s excellent. If not, we have a limited budget to subsidise travel and accommodation expenses to a maximum set by the EU depending on the distance travelled.

If you are interested in any of these training programs



Participants will on request receive a certificate of attendance.


Any personal information will only be used for purposes related to the workshop. This information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any third party, fully in accordance to the General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR (European Parliament and Council of the European Union – Regulation (EU2016/679),